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5 Questions to Ask a Potential Solar Provider

Choosing solar is a smart decision. By using the sun’s energy, you can reduce your grid energy usage, contribute to a sustainable future and enjoy peace-of-mind.

However, it would help if you did your homework when selecting your solar provider. Approximately 700 solar companies have gone bust in Australia since 2011, leaving around 650,000 customers without support or warranties. This situation has resulted in customers having a poor experience with solar when it should be the other way around.

So, how do you know if you are dealing with a company you can trust? What questions should you ask? What answers should you get? 

In this article, we will guide you with five key questions you should ask a potential solar provider. If they can’t answer any, or all of them convincingly, that would be the first red flag to notice that should make you think twice before doing business with them. 

1. Will someone come to my home?

Carrying out a home solar assessment is essential for the potential solar provider to understand your exact needs. There are so many variants to consider when selecting the correct solar solution for you as the performance of your system will depend on a range of factors, including:

  • Site conditions, including ceiling space and roof size
  • The size of your family and your real energy usage patterns
  • Your motivation for going solar, i.e. reduced energy use, reduced carbon emissions
  • Plus more, such as large appliances, i.e. TVs, fridges in the home

If a solar provider suggests they can provide a solar solution by simply using a satellite image, or without adequately understanding your needs, then you should reconsider your options.

A company that is in it for the long haul will ensure you get the best solution, tailored to you.

2. Do you test the products you sell?

Pay close attention to the answer to this question. Do they do any testing before they incorporate a product into their range? How confidently do they answer this question and how convinced are you of their processes?

Key things to keep in mind:

  • Solar Panel Flash Test Data results should be checked on all panels to ensure the system will deliver the power you purchased
  • Inspections should also take place on goods received into warehouses to ensure quality is consistent with specifications

3. How long have you been in business?

How long have they been in business? What do their customers say about them? Are they professional in their dealings, and do they work at maintaining a positive brand presence? What do you see when you Google their name?

Be sure to do some research into a company’s track record.

4. Are your installers Clean Energy Council accredited?

Every solar installer needs to be accredited by the Clean Energy Council (CEC). This means a trouble-free process and a system that will be connected safely and in accordance with industry guidelines.

If a potential provider can’t answer this question convincingly, it is another sign that they are looking for shortcuts.

5. What are your warranties like?

When it comes to buying a solar system, quality, reliability and trusted warranties are three key things to look out for. Specifically, a good warranty can provide you peace-of-mind that if there are any issues, a trusted solar provider will be there to help. 

So, pay close attention to what is in the fine print. Less reputable companies will try to take shortcuts regarding warranties as they know they are offering a poor product.

How does Solahart answer these five questions?

Solahart was one of the first companies in the world to recognise the value of the sun’s free energy. We pioneered solar water heating in Australia in 1953. Since then we have installed over one million solar hot water systems in over 70 countries and over a million solar power panels in Australia.

Today, we also offer home battery systems for the complete renewable energy solution.

How does Solahart answer these five questions?

Solahart was one of the first companies in the world to recognise the value of the sun’s free energy. We pioneered solar water heating in Australia in 1953. Since then we have installed over one million solar hot water systems in over 70 countries and over a million solar power panels in Australia.

Today, we also offer home battery systems for the complete renewable energy solution.



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